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Permit America Vote
Let America Vote.png
Basic facts
Location: Washington, D.C.
Blazon: Political activeness committee
Acme official: Jason Kander, President
Founder(s): Jason Kander
Yr founded: 2017
Website: Official website

Let America Vote was founded in 2017 as a 527 group by former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander.[1] According to the grouping's website, Let America Vote was established in order to "fight back against proposals beyond the country that go far harder for eligible voters to practise their constitutional right to cast a ballot."[2] Let America Vote merged with Cease Citizens United, another voting policy grouping, in January 2020.[3]


As of July 2020, the organization's website described its mission as follows:[4]

" When politicians brand it hard to vote, nosotros make it hard for them to become re-elected.[5] "


Erstwhile Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander established Let America Vote in February 2017.[6] According to its website, the organization was established in club to "fight back confronting proposals across the country that make information technology harder for eligible voters to exercise their constitutional right to cast a ballot."[2] Kander said in a February 2017 statement, "Voting in our state has never been piece of cake, and unfortunately it'southward never been guaranteed for anybody. ... Today, that progress is in danger as laws targeting low-income and minority voters go along popping up across the state. Let America Vote volition make the case for voting rights by exposing the real motivations of those who favor voter suppression laws."[6]

Let America Vote merged with End Citizens United, another voting policy group, in January 2020. According to a press release, "End Citizens United and Let America Vote will exist joint PACs field of study to FEC donation limits. Equally part of the annunciation, ECU will be shutting down LAV'southward super PAC and its 501(c)iv artillery of the system."[3]

Political activity

Every bit of July 2020, Allow America Vote's website said the group had endorsed 110 successful candidates for elected office.[4]

Click here to view the grouping's endorsement announcements.


As of June 2017, the following individuals held leadership positions with Permit America Vote:[1]

  • Jason Kander, Founder and president
  • Diane Kander, Vice president and treasurer
  • Eric Johnson, Secretary

Contempo news

The link below is to the most contempo stories in a Google news search for the terms Let America Vote. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does non curate or endorse these articles.

See also

  • PACs and Super PACs
  • Justice Democrats
  • Bernie Sanders

External links

  • Let America Vote homepage
  • Let America Vote on Twitter
  • Let America Vote on Facebook


  1. 1.0 1.1 Internal Revenue Service, "Permit America Vote—Class 8871," Feb 1, 2017
  2. 2.0 2.i Let America Vote, "About," accessed June 16, 2017
  3. iii.0 Let America Vote, "Permit America Vote to join End Citizens United network to fight to unrig the system," January xxx, 2020
  4. 4.0 4.1 Let America Vote, "Mission," accessed July i, 2020
  5. Annotation: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Whatever inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  6. six.0 6.1 The Hill, "Former Dem Senate candidate launches voting rights grouping," February 7, 2017